Airthings, the Norway-based tech company, has introduced the Wave plus smart radon, CO2 and TVOC detector into the UK market.
Air quality Monitor
We’re all much a lot more aware of the risks of poor air quality these days so monitors like this are becoming of interest to many.
The Wave plus is a 12cm diameter x 3.6 cm high smoke-detector-look-alike that’s powered by batteries and can be mounted on the wall, ceiling, or a flat surface. A mounting screw is included and the magnetic battery cover cleverly doubles as the bracket.
Its 6 built-in sensors measure CO2, TVOCs (total volatile organic compounds), temperature, humidity, air pressure and the star of the show, Radon.
What sets the Wave plus unit besides similar sensors is that ability to measure Radon, a radioactive element which under normal conditions is a gas and easily inhaled. According to Wikipedia that indicates it’s “the second a lot of frequent cause of lung cancer, after cigarette smoking”.
Levels of the gas depend on your local geology and can change around atmospheric conditions too. You can check out a UK Radon Map for an idea of levels in your area and Airthings is building its own map too.
The Wave plus uses Bluetooth low energy to fire off its measurements across to your mobile app, and from there, up to the Cloud. Not having a power hungry Wi-Fi chip on board indicates it can be battery powered and Airthings say the 2 AA cells (included) must supply around 16 months of use before they need to be replaced.[Update – Batteries lasted around 11 months before syncing became unreliable and they needed replaced, even though they still showed as 42% in the dashboard]
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However, not having WiFi built-in also indicates that you can’t easily check on the device when you are away from home as it only updates when your phone is within Bluetooth range. We asked Airthings if there’s anyway around this and they told us…
You can setup a phone or a table with the app running in foreground. This will sync data to Airthings cloud and make sure you are up to data where you are.
It’s not very convenient having to leave your iPad or similar at home functioning as a Bluetooth to WiFi bridge though. then we observed their FAQ also mentions the on board ‘Airthings SmartLink’ and we asked the company what this was…
Airthings SmartLink is a protocol for long-range wireless communication, developed by Airthings. It is based on the Sub-1 Ghz communication protocol and it is created for long-range robust connectivity. It connects your device to our Hub which makes your data available remotely. However, it is not available to consumers ideal now.
So it sounds like a hub may be available in the future that will bridge this unit to WiFi.
On the integration side, the Wave plus can be voice control by Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant.
In addition it can connect to IFTTT for some beneficial recipes and notifications too.
Measurements are recorded every 5 minutes for each sensor, except for Radon which is logged once every hour. If you are beside the unit then you can wave your hand in its vicinity and the LED light ring on top will glow briefly in Green, Amber or Red in a traffic light system to show your air quality.
Most users will look at their date from the complimentary Airthings mobile apps (Android or iOS). The app feels a bit light on detail though and is a little discouraging because you can’t see the time that height readings occur on the graphs.
In addition to the mobile apps a complimentary web dashboard is also supplied for a a lot more in-depth look at your data and this uses a much a lot more satisfying experience. Hovering your mouse on the graphs supplies the day, date, time and measurements for that point.
One of the most significant things we found in the first week was the build up of CO2 in our bedroom during the night.
In the first few days we also observed the VOC detector mostly complained when something was sprayed in the room with the largest red spikes normally following an air freshener or similar.
According to Airthings the average global outdoor radon level ranges between 5-15 Bq/m3 and you can read a lot more about what Radon levels indicate in this blog post.
A great feature is the ability to export your sensor readings to CSV file (actually, semi-colon delimited). AT tell us there’s no limit to how far back you can go, so you can download all your readings ideal back to the start. once you have all your data you are complimentary to analyse and graph it any way you like.
Although the Airthings Wave plus is an indoor Air quality (IAQ) detector, the dashboard also shows an outside air quality score based on your location. You cEtt välj att manuellt hitta din enhet på kartan så att den inte ger bort den exakta adressen till ditt hem.
AirThings berättade för oss ju längre sensorn är installerad, ju mycket mer exakta dina avläsningar blir ..
AirThings radondetektorer skapas för att övervaka din långsiktiga exponering för radon. Att kunna övervaka dina radonnivåer ger dig kontinuerligt en mycket bättre förståelse för hur mycket du utsätts och vad dina risker är, jämfört med ett tvådagars test. Radon fluktuerar mycket även under dagen, från att bygga till byggnad i samma område och till och med från rum till rum i ett hus. Detta indikerar att det enda sättet för dig att veta om Radon är en verklig fara är att ha en detektor som kontinuerligt övervakar dina radonnivåer och hjälper dig att förstå dessa oundvikliga fluktuationer.
Vissa Amazon -granskare verkar ha haft problem med den här enheten, särskilt med firmwareuppdateringar. Denna fråga verkar dock ha lösts när vår enhet uppgraderades till ny firmware ungefär 2 veckor i felfritt. Vi har också sett flera appuppdateringar i månaden att vi har haft enheten också så utveckling verkar ganska aktiv.
Om det fanns en kolmonoxidsensor inbyggd i denna enhet kan det vara den enda luftmonitor som någon individ någonsin skulle behöva. Om du inte behöver alla 6 sensorer i Wave Plus och bara är bekymrad över Radon, använder standardvågen en betydande besparing.
Men för tillfället, om du vill ha en av de mest funktioner som är rika smarta luftkvalitetsmonitorer runt så leta inte efter inte Airthings Wave Plus.
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1 241 recensioner
AirThings 2930 Wave Plus Smart Radon CO2 och TVOCS -detektor med temperatur
Prisbelönta: Wave Plus är en prisbelönad smart inomhusluftkvalitetsmonitor med radondetektering. (Time Magazine’s Best Inventions 2019; CES Advancement Award – Honouree 2019)
Tillförlitliga radonresultat: När radonnivåerna förändras dagligen är kontinuerlig långsiktig mätning nödvändig. AirThings Wave Plus -procedurer radon exakt och pålitligt
Rena luftsensorer: Radon, koldioxid (CO2), toxiner och kemikalier (totala VOC), luftfuktighet, temperatur och lufttryckssensorer gör att du kan få full synlighet i sex avgörande inomhusluftfaktorer
£ 187,36
komma på Amazon
Luftkvalitet – Sensorspecifikationer
Sensorprovningsintervall: 5 minuter
Temperatur ± 0,1 ° F (0,1 ° C)
Fuktighet ± 1%
Tryck ± 0,15 hPa
TVOC ~ 7 dagar
CO2 ~ 7 dagar
CO2 -detaljer:
NDIR-sensor (icke-dispersiv infra-röd)
Mätområdet 400–5000 ppm
Icke -kondensering 0 – 85%RH
Optimal noggrannhet ± 30 ppm ± 3% inom 15 – 35 ° C (60 – 95 ° F) och 0 – 80% RH kan nås efter flera sedimenteringscykler på platser med naturliga CO2 -fluktuationer
Radonprovtagning: Passiv diffusionskammare
Detektionsmetod: Alpha -spektrometri
Mätområde: 0 – 500 PCI/L
Noggrann precision:
Efter 7 dagar: σ ~ 10 % vid 5 pci/l
Efter 2 månader: σ ~ 5 % vid 5 pci/l
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